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Grass Biofuel Pellets
International Development
Mayon Turbo Stove


Jeroen Dooper, International Research Associate

During Mr. Dooper’s B.Sc in Ecological Material Technology, his interest in energy and its environmental implications grew. After multiple courses and assignments on sustainable energy technologies, his work became primarily focused on biomass and biofuels. He is now currently enrolled in an M.Sc degree in Sustainable Development, energy and resources at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands and has begun collaboration with REAP-Canada to pursue research on different biofuel conversion technologies. He has previous work experience at Econsultancy environmental consulting and the Avans University of Professional Education.

Sjoerd Mulder, International Research Associate

Sjoerd Mulder has always been concerned about the environment and is interested in obtaining an education that would better equip him to stimulate livelihoods using the earth’s resources in a sustainable way. He is currently enrolled in the Agri-Systems Management course at Larenstein University of Professional Education, specializing in Rural Development and Innovation. He has had previous work experience in Greece, China and Canada working in agricultural, horticultural, herb and flower production and is interested in developing his career to implementing energy crops as an opportunity to enhance development of rural areas world wide. Mr. Mulder has begun collaborating with REAP-Canada to pursue research on the agronomic implications of the production of various biofuels.

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